Tuesday 9 September 2014

sosat oi..

tersebutlah kisah...
ditgah hari yg cukup pnas..
seorg mahasiswa fakulti sains tlah pon sst..
mmg trbaek..padahal dlm fakulti sndiri je..
mmg benarlah sebenar-benar nya bhawasanya tiada yg bnar mlainkn yg benar..
hypothesis adik aku yg sorg tu mngatakan aku ini is the person who has no sense of direction..ahah..
mmg mcm kene simbah ngan air la rupa aku smasa mnuju ke pgkal jln ke makmal bio..
konklusinya..download la apps ways..(haha sgguh x masal)
p/s: to the readers mntak maaf la.krana hnya brkongsi ssuatu yg x lgsung brfaedh..haha..
maybe now i am a skilled walker haha( abaikn english yg mcm jhanam tu)

Monday 8 September 2014

keep running

 Start from 1st September 2014..I am officially a UM student..

6 hari orentasi (penat woo..)
but everything just wanna to teach me how to survive (maybe)
yeah survive to be a true muslimah..survive to not lost your own identity..
even they provided us baju lengan pendek which we have always to wear its..so for muslimah..just wear long sleeve shirt inside..or cardigan..maybe hot ( but it is not as hot as hell..right..)

here I meet various kind of people..from different background..thus no need judge ..but to understand..right

this is life..survive as you can..to become yourself..keep run forward..
untuk mncapai keredhaan-NYA..kerana ALLAH yang mnentukan stiap kejayaan kita.