Tuesday 18 November 2014

Gaya Islam.Gaya Semua (GIGS)_Usrah Prdana@UM..

Last night I have liqa(prjumpaan) for usrah..the pnceramah is from UKM. This just for sharing..and what i think i got..
First the question is :
-Why some student from sk agama..not able to stay in  islamic..even bi'ah  dlm skolah itu baik..some of the  student murtad..
-Knape byk..berlaku..krn mereka x nmpak wahyu itu  sbagai mukjizat..

Then.there are the answers i got
-sbb mereka hnya mmggunakn logik..
 Sbb itu Allah mnyuruh kita berfikir..mlalui akal..dqn  brpgg dgn.aqidah yg kuat
 Apabila mnusia yakin pd wahyu..aqidah  smkin.kuat..syariat trjaga..akhlak smpurna
 Lihat bukti dlm Al quran, skeliling kamu..
 Apabila manusia dpt lihat bukti..smakin kuat imannya.. 
 Cth: kisah rasullulah dlm.isra' mikraj..ade org Islam.pd.waktu itu tdk prcaya dgn.ape yg rasullulah sampaikan..ttp apbila rasullulah mnceritakan ttg Masjid Al Aqsa.. Barulah.mereka prcaya.. Nowadays, science have many discovery..but not a single word in Alquran has clash with the new science theory and discovery..if you're not believe..find it..how??..read..read..read..iqra'

                         diri sndiri
Nota kaki utk^ yg mudah alpa: Sumer muslim swajarnya brdakwah..dakwah bukn.skadar mmberi cramah..malahn prbua,pnulisan dn sbagainya

Monday 17 November 2014


Based on the dictionary of Oxford regret = Feel sadrepentant, or disappointed over (something that one has done or failed to do)
In.life regret is something that everyone will always have...that means we are not perfect..yeah..there are nothing in the world are perfect. Feeling regretted is not a sin..not wrong at all..but the wrong thing is when you feel regretted when.you start.to give up..
Once you think you have fail..feel regretted..but told ur self that..hey you can.do better..you should do.better..dont ya think..